Jul 22, 2011

fleece = yummy stuff!

i recently received a new batch of fleeces that are so wonderful! they are a merino + rambouillet cross wool that is beyond gorgeous. so so so soft and silky. dare i say that they are probably one of the finest + most amazing crop of fleeces i have ever had.

this is just a random sample of a couple of bits i pulled out.. so lovely!
no wonder i have a fleece buying compulsion when you can get stuff like this!


  1. That fleece looks delicious! I've got a fleece buying compulsion too and I definitely wouldn't have been able to resist this one! :)

  2. it's curse! lol :) i bought from this farm last year so i knew they were nice and clean but this years harvest was soooo beautifully soft! i have since sent note that i am hogging them all from now on! lol
